Well actually this is the 31st post but well you get the idea anyway awesome:) now if only we could have 30 followers lol but seriously guys get your friends to read or follow! :)
Hey Guys, almost everyone has seen a glitch so if you can get one on picture send it to us! And Marledybone? lol typo and lots of times if you lose connection when you are in a battle you cant see your cards anymore so you just have to guess and well.... hope you dont die..... and for some reason my volume turned off on wizard 101 it works on everything else and i check the settings and everything ugh. And if your reading this plz follow we need followers because we are planning to have meet up partys and stuff like that and we cant do that if we only have 1 follower :(
Hey guys!did you do the selena gomez quest yet? It opens up a whole new area open to free to play players and members called crab alley where everything is underwater! cool right? but it is kind of hard to swim around and not get caught in fights. The rewards for completing this quest is around 700 XP a poster of selena gomez to hang in your dorm or castle and a statue of selena gomez to put in your dorm or castle , and a few treasure cards, and the best reward is seeing selena gomez danceing with a bunch of crabs! lol and if you watched the video on the website it shows a spell with a geene being cast in krockotopia maybe a new spell from celestia, speaking of celestia i REALLY need to level up if i want to got there anytime soon... so anyway.... PEACE :) FEED THE PETS:)
Hi guys I haven't posted in a long time so heres an update i am level 47 and like have a bar away from storm lord, my highest spell right now is triton and right now i am trying to pass the final test to get into Dragonspyre Academy.
Hey guys guess what i got membership yaaaay i am in mooshu lvel 40 yaaaay congratz to me and i got a new marleybone house ;) ill put a pic of me in mooshu later k bye
AaronIceCaster :)
Hey guys my computer crashed so were buying a new one but good news is it will be fixed and the bill will be payed this is my friends computer so next week ill be on, and i getting membership so see me in firecat alley and cyclops lane and say "hi" to me.